3 Approaches To NetSuite Salesforce Integration

Integrating NetSuite with Salesforce offers significant advantages for sales and finance teams. By seamlessly raising invoices, sales orders, and estimates in NetSuite based on Salesforce data, this integration saves time and reduces errors. Accessing financial data within Salesforce provides a comprehensive view of customer relationships, enabling informed decision-making.

Connecting NetSuite and Salesforce is essential for optimizing operations and achieving data coherence. However, selecting the right approach is crucial for success. In this guide, we’ll explore the primary integration methods, their benefits, and key considerations to help you make informed decisions.

NetSuite Salesforce integration is more than just a convenience – it’s a strategic necessity. Seamless data exchange empowers organizations with insights for informed decision-making and operational agility. With various integration methods available, careful evaluation ensures alignment of business objectives.

Note: Brightmark has partnered with Breadwinner, a NetSuite Salesforce integration, to produce this article. As Salesforce consultants, we recognize the importance of pointing financial services firms toward tried and tested solutions that successfully enable teams to integrate Salesforce with the rest of their technology stack. Contact a Brightmark consultant today to learn more about leveraging Breadwinner.

3 Ways To Integrate NetSuite & Salesforce (And How They Differ)

1. Turn-Key Integration

Turn-key integration solutions offer a plug-and-play approach, ideal for organizations seeking rapid deployment and minimal configuration requirements. When it comes to turn-key solutions for connecting NetSuite and Salesforce, Breadwinner stands out for its efficiency and user-friendly interface.

Key Benefits

Breadwinner’s turn-key integration streamlines the deployment process, enabling organizations to initiate integration without extensive lead times. Its minimal configuration requirements translate to reduced implementation complexities, allowing businesses to achieve faster time-to-value.

The NetSuite Salesforce integration offered by Breadwinner delivers native, extensible connectivity, unleashing powerful connectivity capabilities for organizations. With Breadwinner, businesses gain full visibility of NetSuite data within Salesforce, empowering their sales teams with real-time access to critical information.

The platform ensures the future-proofing of NetSuite Salesforce integration by effortlessly syncing custom objects without the need for specialized staff or additional resources. Its advanced integration solution guarantees seamless connectivity between the two platforms, enabling organizations to adapt and scale their integration as their business grows.

2. iPaaS / ETL

Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) or Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) solutions offer versatile and scalable integration options, making them particularly appealing for organizations managing complex data ecosystems. These solutions provide a comprehensive framework for integrating NetSuite and Salesforce, as well as other interconnected systems within the organization.


iPaaS solutions excel in their ability to provide versatile integration capabilities. By leveraging iPaaS platforms, organizations can seamlessly synchronize data between NetSuite, Salesforce, and various other third-party systems and applications.

These solutions often feature extensive integration ecosystems, allowing for connectivity with a wide array of systems, databases, and APIs. This versatility enables organizations to create holistic and interconnected data environments that support their business objectives.


Despite their advantages, implementing iPaaS solutions requires meticulous configuration and management. Human-based errors during setup can pose significant challenges and may result in integration issues down the line. Moreover, organizations must carefully consider the potential risk of vendor lock-in when opting for iPaaS solutions.

Transitioning away from a specific platform can be complex and costly, particularly if extensive customization or reliance on proprietary features is involved. Therefore, organizations should conduct thorough evaluations of iPaaS providers and consider long-term scalability and flexibility when making integration decisions.

3. Custom Code

Custom code solutions offer unparalleled flexibility and customization tailored to specific business needs, making them an attractive option for addressing niche requirements or smaller projects. By developing custom code solutions, organizations can precisely address their integration challenges and create tailored solutions that optimize processes and drive innovation within their unique business environment.


One of the primary advantages of custom code is its ability to provide precise solutions to complex integration challenges. By developing custom code, organizations can implement integration workflows that are specifically tailored to their business requirements, allowing for greater flexibility and control over the integration process.


Reliance on custom code introduces inherent risks concerning maintenance, updates, and personnel turnover. Without a comprehensive succession plan in place, organizations may face disruptions or dependencies on individual developers, potentially hindering long-term scalability and sustainability.

Custom code solutions may require ongoing support and maintenance to address bugs, security vulnerabilities, and compatibility issues. Therefore, organizations should carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of custom code integration and consider their long-term integration strategy before proceeding with custom development efforts.


Which Salesforce NetSuite Integration Is Best For Your Team?

As you consider the best Salesforce NetSuite integration approach for your team, it’s crucial to assess various factors to align with your business needs effectively. Each approach—turn-key integration, iPaaS/ETL, and custom code—offers distinct advantages and considerations, requiring careful evaluation.

4 Factors To Consider When Picking An Integration Solution

1. Deployment Urgency

When it comes to deployment urgency, turn-key integration solutions excel. These solutions offer rapid implementation, allowing your organization to start benefiting from integration almost immediately. With pre-built templates and straightforward setup processes, turn-key integrations enable swift deployment, ensuring that your team can access integrated data without delay.

By streamlining configuration requirements and minimizing customization, turn-key solutions accelerate the integration process, empowering your team to make informed decisions faster and drive operational efficiency from the outset.

2. Integration Complexity

Despite the complexity of your organization’s data ecosystem, turn-key integration solutions offer robust capabilities to handle intricate integration scenarios. With their intuitive interfaces and comprehensive feature sets, these solutions facilitate seamless synchronization between NetSuite and Salesforce, ensuring that data flows smoothly across your entire ecosystem.

Turn-key integrations ensure data accuracy and consistency, eliminating the need for manual data entry or third-party tools. By simplifying complex integration tasks and automating data workflows, turn-key solutions enhance data coherence and operational efficiency, enabling your team to focus on strategic initiatives rather than integration challenges.

3. Organizational Preferences

In terms of organizational preferences, turn-key integration solutions provide a straightforward and hassle-free approach. With turn-key solutions, there’s no need for coding expertise or extensive customization—everything you need for seamless integration is included out of the box.

This simplicity aligns with the preferences of many organizations, allowing them to implement integration quickly and efficiently without the need for specialized resources or technical skills. By choosing a turn-key integration solution, your organization can streamline integration efforts, reduce dependency on IT resources, and achieve faster time-to-value.

4. Long-Term Scalability Objectives

When considering long-term scalability objectives, turn-key integration solutions offer scalability and flexibility to accommodate future growth and changes. Turn-key solutions’ extensible architecture and ongoing support ensure that your integration remains adaptable and scalable as your business evolves.

With regular updates and enhancements, turn-key solutions keep pace with technological advancements and industry trends, future-proofing your integration investment and ensuring long-term success. By choosing a turn-key integration solution that prioritizes scalability and innovation, your organization can confidently pursue its long-term strategic objectives with a reliable and adaptable integration platform.

Conducting Thorough Evaluations

To make an informed decision, conduct thorough evaluations of all available approaches. Consider the specific requirements and strategic objectives of your organization, weighing the pros and cons of each integration method.

Selecting The Right Integration Approach

Whether you prioritize rapid deployment, extensive system connectivity, or tailored customization, selecting the right integration approach is paramount. Choose the approach that aligns best with your business goals, enabling seamless data integration and unlocking the full potential of interconnected systems. With careful consideration and evaluation, you can implement a Salesforce NetSuite integration that drives efficiency, enhances collaboration, and accelerates business growth.

If you are interested in exploring the potential use cases and benefits of a NetSuite Salesforce integration further, contact a Brightmark consultant today to learn more about leveraging Breadwinner.